It is my pleasure to convey to you Council’s approval on the establishment of 9 Sectoral Groups listed below with a view to catering to the breadth of Chemical Engineering practice in Nigeria. You are hereby cordially invited to join a minimum of one and a maximum of two Sectoral Groups.
The prime objective is to provide an all inclusive platform for Chemical Engineers to participate in the activities and programmes of the Society. It is expected that from now on no Chemical Engineer will feel alienated as everyone would fit into one Group or the other. Please find below the list of Sectoral Groups, the Aims and Objectives of the Sectoral Groups and the approved Guidelines for their operations. Kindly make your choice appropriately
This sectoral group is all about strong enduring interest towards obtaining high-value, sustain-able bio-based bioactive compounds from natural resources, as there is great demand forthese compounds in various market sectors such as agriculture, food, pharma, cosme-ceuticals, and others. This demand has encouraged researchers to isolate, identify andcharacterize novel natural bioactive compounds with potential therapeutic and commer-cial values with industrial importance